


-Health and Wellness, Energy and Philanthropy spaces. 


AWEaP Country Chairperson : Zimbabwe

Laureen Adam is a leader in the Energy and wellness entrepreneurship space, with business interests that span the full value chain from product development, to consumer interface to industry-wide equipment supply. ​Her flagship brands, Amara’s Health Spa and Trios Health Centre offer a unique combination of a health spa and a health food eatery on the same family-friendly premises.  The health spa has dominated the sector for a number of years now, b​ridging the gap between modern medicine and natural ​health practices ​through its unique products and services.  This has made alternative healing ​options available to all and especially t​hose with chronic ​conditions.

​A bold and dynamic business leader, Laureen’s commitment to excellence is evidenced by the numerous awards and accolades bestowed on her and her businesses by local and international bodies. In 2018, Laureen was appointed the Zimbabwean ambassador to the Women in Africa Initiative, an organisation that focuses on empowering young women through creation of business and mentoring around African countries.

In 2017  Laureen was appointed as a New Leader For Tomorrow by the prestigious Crans Montana Forum (Switzerland), a non-governmental organisation whose purpose is to contribute to the construction of a more humane and impartial world.  She continues to debate and hold discussions on numerous platforms with World Leaders and key decision makers on various topics affecting our world today.

Laureen is currently furthering her studies with a Masters in Diplomacy and International Affairs while running a new project on Renewable Energy.  She serves on the board of trustees for Zimbabwe BMXClub, Board of Directors for Enda Zimbabwe and Board of Trustees for Harare International School.