18 MAY 2022

How to become an Independent Power Producer

Greater private sector investment in electricity generation capacity was identified as a key enabler to resolving the electricity supply challenge facing the country.

Electricity Utilities do not see their future role as being one where they will be the primary source of new large-scale generation capacity

We will see Greater solar and wind capacity developed to compensate for either retiring coal capacity or simply supply of electricity capacity to large power users and domestic customers.

Eskom customers

“Localisation, local content, industry development incentives and designation, among others, will need to be explored further to determine decisions that are in the best interest of domestic energy markets in the continent.

At AWEaP we believe that In the energy and power sector, we believe that unless women KNOW and UNDERSTAND  the entrepreneurial opportunities that exists in the sector, they will not be able to

1) Opt to participate in the sector,
2) Choose an areas of focus (or areas that resonate with their business interests),
3) Align themselves with the relevant actors in the ecosystem;
4) Access credible market information;
5) Organise themselves to participate effectively and sustainably. 

The representation of women owned companies in the energy and power sector remains poor.

To address this, we have created information sharing and sector orientation sessions for women entrepreneurs interested in the energy and power sector.

We encourage you to invest time to download presentations and watch this webinar to learn how you can become an Independent Power Producer.

Our speakers also listed a myriad of opportunities that you can explore in the Independent Power Production sector.

IntroductionIntroduction to AWEaP Purpose of the webinar Introduction to the topicsAWEaPMS. BERTHA DLAMINI Founding President: AWEaP
Sponsor: OEMAccess to Technology or Access to Finance: Introduction to the sponsorRockwell AutomationMS. THOBEKA SISHUBA Account Manager Sub-Saharan Africa, Rockwell Automation
Utility 2Access to market: Utility strategy and focus Enabling Smart Cities & opportunities for SMMEs Integration of renewable energy Procurement process Gender mainstreamingMalawiMRS. JULIA NCHILAMWELA Senior Transmission Planning Engineer ESCOM: Electricity Supply Corporation of Malawi
Panel Discussion on: Becoming an Independent Power Producer
Independent Power Production Panel DiscussionAccess to Market: How to become an independent power producerFuture of Energy in AfricaModerator: MS. BERTHA DLAMINI Founding President:  AWEaP Panellists: MR. HOWARD RAMSDEN RECSA Owner a Success Leader MS. RUSE MOLESHE MD:  RUBIK PTY LTD – Power and Infrastructure Finance Specialist MS. LEOLE-ANN FRANCIS Co-Founder and Director, Jade-Sky Energy
Energy Project FinancingAccess to Finance: Financing Energy ProjectsProject FinancingMS. HELEN BRUME AFREXIMBANK
Entrepreneur 1Access to market, finance, networks and technology: Entrepreneurial Testimony; Moving beyond boundaries in the Energy Sector: Lessons and TipsEntrepreneur 1MS. JUDITH MARERA Co-founder: Lanforce Energy, Zimbabwe
Entrepreneur 2Entrepreneur 2MS. CYNTHIA MAKUNGANYA Head of Operations Yellow, Malawi
CloseClosing Remarks:AWEaPMS. BERTHA  DLAMINI Founding President: AWEaP

We encourage you to do the following:

  1. Visit our YouTube channel
  2. Watch previous webinars
  3. Take notes from the presentations given
  4. Note the tips shared on how you can gain entry into the energy and power sector as an entrepreneur
  5. Note programmes in place to address some of the barriers:
    1. Access to market
    2. Access to skills development
    3. Access to finance
    4. Access to technology
  6. Download presentations and listen to the recorded webinar again
  7. Follow through by: visiting websites and taking the initiative to build the network necessary to enable your participation.


When I look at the many energy-using sectors - such as businesses, households, electricity generators, the transportation sector - I see that the business sector is the one which uses the energy efficiency potential the highest, because they know that using energy more efficiently will also reduce their costs.

Fatih Birol

"Where there is a woman, there is magic".

Ntozake Shange

“Meeting entrepreneurs at the bleeding edge of their enterprises”.

Ms Busi Mabuza, IDC Board Chairperson, WECONA Inaugural event,