Founder and Managing Director at Aspectus Limited a Company Providing Solar Power Solutions
AWEaP Country Chairperson : Kenya
Eng. Sarah Mbwaya is a graduate engineer in Electrical and Electronics from University of Nairobi and holds an M.B.A. in strategic management from United States International University (USIU). She is a seasoned business professional with leadership and senior management experience in renewable energy, information technology, business management, and entrepreneurial practice.
She is the founder and managing director at Aspectus Limited, a renewable energy company focusing on providing solar energy solutions (off-grid & on-grid) to corporates, communities and individuals for their ever–dynamic energy needs.
Leveraging on her technical background, training, experience and interest, she is well versed with the renewable energy space, a sector she is passionate about and enjoys working-in. She has been involved in supervision, design and implementation of a number of off-grid and on-grid solar projects.
She has strong business management, administrative and organizational skills leading to a natural aptitude for institutional development and strengthening which has enabled her to shape the success of companies in sectors such as real estate, information technology, and now renewable energy. Some of these companies have also benefitted from her experience in business and systems development as she has spearheaded transformational approaches that have improved operations, reduced costs, and increased revenue streams. She has also exercised leadership in corporate governance as she served on the board of directors at Numerical Machining Complex where she was also the Chair of the Audit Committee.
She is passionate about empowering women. She believes that supporting women benefits everyone, including businesses and the economy. As a result, she invests some of her time in mentoring young people and women.
She strongly believes in conserving the environment, with her renewable energy solutions being one of her many approaches. At a personal level, she has planted trees in her farm and its environs and encourages others to do so. She recycles whatever she can from her kitchen and makes compost manure for her kitchen garden. Her belief is that if we can care and love the environment, it will return more for us.
She holds a Masters in Business Administration (MBA). in Strategic Management, B.Sc. (Hons.) in Electrical and Electronics Engineering; Energy Regulatory Commission (ERC) Solar PV technician License Class- T3 and solar water heating license. She is also a Diploma holder in financial management from the Association of Chartered Certified Accountants (ACCA).